What is a blog? How to blog from mobile? ব্লগ কি ? মোবাইল থেকে কিভাবে ব্লগ বানাতে হয় ?
As all of us who are more or less associated with blogs or blogging do not have computers or laptops, we have to choose the second option mobile. But many of us don't know how to blog from mobile. But today in this article I will tell you how to blog with mobile.
I will try to explain you very easily how to make a blog with mobile. And I can explain it very easily because I myself blog using mobile.
So, I hope you understand that if I can make such a beautiful blog site with mobile, then hopefully you can also make a blog site from a mobile by hearing or understanding my experience.
You must read this article from beginning to end and carefully if you want to build blog site from mobile. Because I will discuss all the questions that come to our mind from the beginning to the end.
We need to know all the things that are very important to know when creating a blog from mobile. For this reason from the beginning to the end the request is to understand the subjects sequentially.
What is a blog? ব্লগ কি ?
Most of us who are more or less connected with the website know the meaning of the word blog but we who are new have no idea about this blog. So if you want to blog from a mobile, you must first know what a blog is.
We do not have a specific definition or idea of what a blog is. But if the matter can be understood, we can understand the matter very well. A blog is actually a portfolio.
We can write our personal knowledge or various information in this blog. That means we use these blogs for personal needs.
But that doesn't mean we only use blogs for personal purposes. Blog is a platform where we share our knowledge to help other people. Blogs are generally equivalent to websites.
When we usually search for various information on the Internet, many website addresses come in front of us and we choose any one of them and enter it.
All these websites provide various types of information that fulfill our desires. These things must have been written by someone in his own way to help us.
For this it is a blog site or blog. So understand that blog is a medium where we share our knowledge to benefit others. Simply put, a blog is a website where we share our various information gardens.
How to open a blog account?ব্লগ একাউন্ট কিভাবে খুলবো ?
First of all, in answer to how to open a blog account, I can talk about two ways, one is that you can open a blog account for free and again you can open a blog for money.
But since the most asked on the internet is how to blog from mobile or how to open a blog account so today I am telling you how to open a blog account for free.
To open a blog account, you must first have a Gmail account or Gmail ID. Because the blog we will create is a Google product, so to sign up or create an account there, you must first have a Gmail account.
Creating a blog account does not have to be difficult. Because to open a blog account, you have to sign in with Google's ID and search blogger.com on Google
That is, to create a blog account, we have to go to blogger.com and sign in. For this first you can open Google and sign in from the right corner.
Once signed in you can select direct blogger from the menu icon next to it or go to the search option and enter blogger.com to enter the blog site directly.
When you first enter the blog site, you will be prompted to create a new blog site. So we know how to open blog account. Now let's know how to make a blog site.
How to make a blog site?কিভাবে ব্লগ সাইট বানাবো ?
First of all, a blog site is a portfolio like a website. So to create a blog site first you need to select what to name it.
Let's say you want to name your blog site here. Remember that whatever you name this blog site will be the name of your website.
After giving the name of your blog or website, click on the next option and your website or blog will be created. But if you want to know how to build a good blog, you need to keep in mind the following points -
First you need to decide the name of the blog you want to create and give you a URL associated with that name. Actually URL is the link of your blog or website.
Of course, it is better if the website link is related to your blog name. But to create a free blog site, you must use the subdomain provided by Google ie blogspot.com.
Because this blogspot.com domain is given to us by google for free. That is, if your website name is what, then your website URL can be -helenaakter0094bd.blogspot.com. But in this case it must be remembered to check whether this name is available.
Once your blog URL is selected, you will be given an option from which to select your website or blog design. The design of this website is called a template.
Most blogs are built with these templates. So here you will find many different templates that you can choose from.
Once the template for your website or blog is selected, you can see the design of your website or blog by submitting your URL to a search engine.
Now let's say that if you want to create a blog, you must write a description about the topic you are going to create on this blog.
One important thing about this is that if you really want to create a blog and work there or help people, then you must buy a top level domain and add it to this blog site.
Because without a top level domain no blog or website can appear very well in search engines. So if you are thinking of creating a beautiful website or blog, you can definitely buy a custom domain first.
How to blog from mobile?মোবাইল থেকে কিভাবে ব্লগ বানাতে হয়
One of the most asked questions on the internet is how to blog from mobile. First of all, mobile is a smaller version of computer, so we can do 97 percent of all the work that can be done on computer with mobile.
Personally I have built all my websites on mobile and manage them on mobile. Although there are a few problems to be faced in some cases, most of the tasks are possible with mobile.
Let's see how we can create a blog with mobile. First of all, it is not that difficult to create a blog with mobile. If you have seen blog creation with computer or laptop, it can be applied in mobile in the same way.
Secondly: if you want to create a blog from mobile, you must keep your mobile on desktop mode. Because if you don't turn on desktop mode, you won't be able to use many of the blog's options.
Thirdly: you must have a Gmail account to blog from mobile. You have to go to Google's page and sign-in that Gmail account. Once signed in, you have to search by typing blogger from the menu option or blogger from the search option.
After searching blogger.com will come up first, click here and it will automatically tell you to create a website. Since you are new, it will be written as Create a new blog.
After clicking here a new window will open in front of you where you will be asked what you want to name your blog After submitting the name you will be asked to enter your URL or your website link.
After giving the website link, next will show you what type of design you want to choose for your website, from which you have to select your website design or template.
Once the template is selected your blog is ready or your blog will be ready so creating blog from mobile is not that difficult.
Most bloggers operate their blogs from mobile so you can also create a blog site from your mobile very easily.
A few things to remember in this case is that you don't have to pay any money to open a blog but if you want to associate with this blogger by buying a domain then you have to buy a domain.
My opinion is definitely you should buy a good quality domain and build a blog site because a good quality domain gives our blog site a very good reputation and we can get more visitors.
Of course if you create a blog from Google's blogger.com you don't have to pay any charges. But if you add a custom domain to it, you will be charged only for that domain.
Another thing to mention is that if you want to create a good enough blog, you must leave blogger.com and create a website or blog on WordPress.
Because blogger.com has a lot of limitations that we get very easily in WordPress. But the main thing here is that WordPress is very expensive and it takes a lot of time to learn it so most of us bloggers initially create our blog on blogger.com.
Hope you have understood how to blog from mobile. The process is the same for mobile and desktop or laptop, just turn on the desktop mode of your mobile browser.
I discussed how to make a blog from mobile just like I made a blog from mobile in a simple way. If you have any problem to understand, then definitely comment below.
What is a blog or how to make a blog from mobile and we have learned all the details of the blog, now let's know how to write a blog.
Blog writing rules||ব্লগ লেখার নিয়ম
We have learned how to create a blog site and how to blog from mobile but writing a blog is very important. Because if you notice everyone says contact is king.
This means that your blog topic is the king of your blog suddenly if your blog writing rules or topic is of good quality and important then your blog will become popular with people very soon.
And to make your blog popular with people, you need to learn how to write a blog or what are the rules of writing a blog. Now let us see what are the rules of blog writing
Just as there are rules for creating a blog, there are also many rules for writing a blog.
One of the purposes of writing a blog post is to get a large number of visitors to read it, so we need to write a blog that is user-friendly. But because of not knowing how to write a blog, it does not become popular with the audience in most cases.
The first thing about how to write a blog is that you first need to find out what kind of topics the audience wants to know about. If you can find topics that your audience wants to know about, you should definitely write a blog about that topic.
To write a blog from a blog site, click on post option from the left menu option of your blog, you will get a place to write a blog there.
First you have to give a heading about the topic you want to write a blog about i.e. a heading related to your topic is the first condition of writing a blog.
The second rule of writing a blog is to create a description of at least 200 words about what you are going to blog about that will be at the beginning of your blog. To understand this you can refer to the very first paragraph of this blog of mine.
Your first paragraph should mention the topic you are going to write about. Then slowly you start writing about your topic.
The texts should never be made into large paragraphs. Keep writing in paragraphs of 150 to 200 words.
Thus you can write a blog in at least 600 to 700 words. One of the rules of block writing is to make sure your writing is clean and to the point. That is, never describe anything other than the topic you are blogging about.
Since you will write a blog depending on the questions of the visitors, so write in such a way that all the desires of the visitors are fulfilled by reading this blog.
If the visitor gets all the answers by reading what you have described, surely that bully will come back to your website to learn more.
Of course, if you write a blog, add at least one picture in it, i.e. the picture related to the blog, it is very convenient to see the blog.
When writing a blog, make sure to bold your main word a few times in the blog, it increases the interest of the audience. Include at least two to three headings in your blog post. Hope you know how to add headings.
Your written blog posts will be so beautiful that any visitor can read them to their full satisfaction.
Let's give an example: Let's say you came here to learn how to create a mobile blog. But notice that I have been discussing from the beginning what is the blog? How to open a blog account? How to make a blog site? Then I wrote how to blog from mobile?
From this I hope you understand that you have a situation where you can learn or understand all the things you come to know or read about a question you have.
Actually posting a blog like this makes the visitors very happy and read from the beginning to the end without trying to understand all their topics so you must also add it to your blog writing rules.
My Opinion : First I admit that I personally blog from mobile so it might be a little easier for me to explain this to you.
Again, many people want to know how to blog from mobile, so I have described it in simple terms, if you really like it or find it useful, please comment.
As I have discussed all the topics in this blog in very easy language so you may like it and of course if you have any further query about it don't forget to tell it in the comment box.
Once again, how to blog from mobile is not a very complicated matter. If you know how to create a blog from a computer or laptop, then of course just start by turning on the desktop mode of your mobile browser. Of course, you can blog from mobile. be able to
1 মন্তব্যসমূহ
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